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"I’ve known Sandra for over 9 years and am proud to give her my endorsement.  On the personal side, the quality of her family speaks volumes about Sandra as a person.  On the district side, Sandra’s years of School Board experience make her a top candidate for another term.  She has experience dealing with typical issues such as teacher and transportation contracts, but her many years of service give her a unique, long-term perspective the District absolutely needs."

 - Mark Whitaker, 2021
Parent, Barrington Broncos Wrestling Coach

"Sandra Ficke-Bradford receives my endorsement for another four years on our District 220 school board.  Having had the pleasure to work with Sandra in support of our district's most critical initiatives, I  can attest to her compassion, work ethic, and her strong business acumen.  Why do we need Sandra to continue on our board?  Because she cares about Barrington and does something about it.  During her time on the board, she has proven herself to be a catalyst for positive change.  Helping District 220 thrive is what Sandra is all about so please - Vote to Re-Elect Sandra!!"

 - Paul Sheedy
Parent, Quarterback Club President, Input 220 Co-Chair

"We endorse Sandra for the 220 Board of Ed for many reasons, but one key motivating factor for us as parents and taxpayers in D220 is experience.  While it is good to add fresh perspectives and new voices, it is also essential to the operation of the district that there are people on the Board who have already worked through complex contracting issues, teacher issues, budgeting issues, transportation issues, and many others. With a brand new superintendent and new Board members joining 220, there is huge value to keeping some of your best, most experienced players on your "team."  We value Sandra's balanced judgment, compassion, fiscal responsibility, and intelligence.  She is able to look at all sides of an issue and come up with a solution that takes into account all points of view.  We give Sandra our strongest possible endorsement."


 - David Cook and Kristina Anderson

D220 Parents 

"During her tenure on the Board of Education, and for the years I've known her, Sandra Bradford has been a steadfast advocate for our students. She has displayed her commitment for the students, teachers and community through her attendance and active participation in many board meetings. Her input, points of discussion and well-thought out questions on critical issues, while difficult at times, are always done in the best interest of B220 as a whole. Her work and dedication to B220 are commendable and she has my sincere thanks for her years of service. Without hesitation, I fully support Sandra for Board Member of the Barrington Board of Education."
 - Ruth Rodriguez, 2021
Retired B220 Dual Language teacher

"I have been fortunate to call Sandra my friend for over 17 years.  Our oldest children started in the first Dual Language cohort in kindergarten together.  It was not an easy experience for any of us at first but through the years I was able to see how dedicated Sandra was to her family, friends, church and community.  All while having a career. I always admired her energy and passion, but also I admire her bravery.  We are a large, diverse community with many different opinions on how our district should be run.  It takes a very brave person to take on a community knowing that many people will not agree with you and some can be less than kind.  But Sandra has put herself out there to fight for the academic, social, emotional and physical well-being of our children. With thousands of families in the district, how many have been willing to give so much of their time and been so selfless in their commitment to this district?   Sandra does not take her role on the board lightly and I know she will thoroughly research and understand every topic that is being discussed.  She is smart, strong, compassionate AND willing to give us four more years of her time and expertise so for that she continues to impress!!  Vote for Sandra!!"

 - Emilie Sheedy, 2021
Parent, Deer Park resident 20 years

"Sandra has been a consistent champion for our students during her tenure on the Board of Education.  As someone who has attended many board meetings, she is fully engaged, comes prepared with insightful questions on difficult issues and listens openly to community members and fellow board members.  Her dedication to our students, teachers and community is commendable and she has my full support!"  
 - Melissa Buckley, 2021
D220 Parent, Former Board President BStrong Together, Journeycare Foundation Trustee

Others Endorsing Sandra


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